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Harvard MBA Essay Analysis

(2022-23 Application Cycle)

Harvard MBA Essay 1


As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program? (900 words limit)                          


Harvard’s mission statement is simple and precise: We educate leaders who make a difference in the world. 


HBS seeks candidates who have demonstrated this mission, and show promise to do much more with Harvard’s support. When it comes to defining leadership, there is no ‘one size fits all’.  HBS is looking for people from all backgrounds and is keen to hear their different leadership stories. 

This is reflected by their essay prompt, a blank canvas for you to portray how you will add depth to HBS’ unique student cohort. Until recently, this was an open-ended essay; however, for the 2022-2023 application cycle they added a new word limit of 900 words. According to the HBS blog, they hope this decision gives applicants a better sense of direction and a broader framework to work with.  


The 900 word limit gives you enough room for interpretation and can incorporate your own creative writing style. Consider the minimum to be about 600 words -  you probably won’t be able to convey the type of detail they’re looking for in less than that.  If you’d like to learn more about what the new word limit means for HBS MBA applicants, take a look at our HBS update.


Over the years, I have seen how varied this essay can be. The most unconventional applicant has had a narrative just as strong as someone taking the “traditional” MBA route. So, what are some of the common factors that HBS looks for in this essay?

Building an Authentic Narrative

Don’t start writing without a framework! Start by taking time to brainstorm your narrative, then you can write stories intended to support it. But pay attention to how you do this. Stories unrelated to each other, too many jumps in time, or an attempt to cram as many accomplishments as possible - all interrupt your essay flow. 

Now that you have a rough structure in mind, get into details and think of the Golden Circle of why, how, and what. 

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Why - The purpose. The motivation behind your stories and experiences.

How - The process. How did you strive to achieve your purpose?

What - The result. Your lessons from your story, and how it helped you grow.

​Your values, motivations, and goals cannot be expressed through dry statistics. This 900 word limit means you can develop these properly using stories. Successful essays with highly-personal stories are full of detail, emotions, and lessons that are unique to the applicant. Authentic stories engage the reader, and make the Adcom want to know more about the human behind the essay.


Oh, and by the way: You are not asked to talk about HBS or the student community in Boston. The prompt is meant to bring out your individuality by asking you what more there is to you. Anyone can talk about HBS; only you can talk about you.

Breaking the Mold

Applicants often think of their essay from the university’s point of view. Many write what they think the Admissions Committee wants to hear. 

Rather than asking yourself “Is this what they expect to see?”, ask yourself “Is this who I am?”.

There is no secret sauce to MBA admission success, but the best essays prioritize the applicant’s values and are infused with honest self-analysis. Leadership is not necessarily about heroism. You can be a leader through empathy and strong communication. Don’t worry too much about what the AdCom might think of your passions, your failures, or the gaps in your profile. If they add to a powerful narrative, the AdCom wants to read it!

Knowing What to Highlight 

Leadership, community engagement, and analytical ability - these are Harvard’s top 3 student strengths according to the school. Use them to guide your essay. These can be interpreted differently in your story, and maybe one stands out more than the others. Knowing what to highlight so that your strengths are communicated to the reader can transform your writing. So, here are my tips on how to leverage these skills and become a better storyteller:

  • Even in the most nontraditional essays, subtly inserted details make the applicant memorable. For example, “Growing up, my family and I had a little nightly ritual. We would make ourselves a warm cup of mint tea and sit in bed, talking honestly and openly about what we felt that day. This was my inspiration for incorporating the mood check-in in our weekly calls, which increased our team’s psychological safety, especially before starting a new project. Just as I had learned to build trust through sharing, our team became more assured that we had each other’s backs.”

  • Use simple language. Utilize → Use. You can be creative and vivid with your words, but this should be an essay that everyone can read and understand without having to open a dictionary. Consultants tend to be most guilty of this!

  • Use your 900 words wisely and don’t ramble on while describing an event or story. If you’re wondering where to allocate space, choose analysis and focus on establishing clear learning moments. 

  • If you have a unique cultural perspective, it’s good to include it if possible. 

  • If you’re applying from an over-represented MBA profession, such as investment banking or consulting, it’s particularly important that your stories are unusual. Consider using stories from your extracurricular activities since IB and consulting applicants tend to have few of these.

When you’ve written your first draft, get a third-person perspective from an editor, an MBA alumnus, or an MBA admissions consultant. They may bring something new to the table and help you write more clearly. But keep in mind that the approach that worked for someone else may not work for you. If you’re struggling with the structure and tempted to replicate someone else’s, get in touch and we’ll help you build an individual essay from the bottom up.

Essay 2 - Career Goals Answer 


Briefly tell us more about your career aspirations. (500 characters)

This is a short but important essay. Here, you can describe your employment plans, industry and function in the online application portal. This essay is an opportunity to showcase precision, clarity, and strategic planning about your goals after your MBA. 


Center the essay around your short-term and longer-term goals. Be aspirational but also practical. These goals should be achievable, actionable, and logical.



"My post-MBA plan is to return to Oliver Wyman, which will sponsor my MBA. Upon my return, I will focus on FMCG clients, helping them to restructure and navigate new regulations. After 3-4 years, I may transition to one of these client companies, directly leveraging my leadership and strategy skills to transform the way that Vietnamese consumer goods companies finance their M&A. My long-term goal is to launch a health-tech startup with my sister in Hanoi."


Essay 3 - Post-interview reflection

Within 24 hours of your interview, you will be asked to submit a post-interview reflection. This includes direct prompts, as well as space for you to reflect on your interview. Here are a few points you must bear in mind while writing your post-interview reflection:


There is no word limit for this essay. However, a sensible guide is to stick to less than one page. This is not a formal essay, so don't approach it too clinically. Here’s a simple structure you can use for this essay:


  • Introduction: Begin your essay by thanking the interviewer and recapping the interview. If you think it went great, be concise. 

  • Body: State what you learned and what you can take away from it; after all, you don’t get interviewed by Harvard every day. If you think there were some areas you want to explain or could have done better in, add them to your essay. Take notes about your interview conversation and dig deeper into the insights you discussed and are curious about. 

  • Conclusion: While writing your concluding notes, view the essay like a closing argument in court. Remember to express enthusiasm and intent about your future at Harvard.


The school can explain this best, so why repeat? Here's what they say about reapplicants.


Check out our Harvard MBA Interview Guide for in-depth insights into Harvard's interview process, what they're looking for in prospective candidates, interview schedule and questions for 2024, and tips to ace your interview. 

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