GMAT vs. GRE Score Converter for MBA Applications

In the MBA world, there is a perception that the GRE is the “easier” option than the GMAT, but there’s no concrete evidence to support this.
Content-wise, the GRE and GMAT are pretty similar. However, the structure and scoring algorithms set them apart.
GRE: Section-adaptive (difficulty adjusts between sections).
GMAT: Question-adaptive (difficulty adjusts with every question).
This difference matters. The GMAT’s question-adaptive nature is what makes it a tougher nut to crack. It’s also what makes it more relevant to the analytical and decision-making skills you’ll need in business school, compared to the more generalist GRE.
If you’re not sure which test you should take, check out our GMAT vs GRE blog here.
Applicants who choose to take the GRE often have questions about benchmarking their scores against their GMAT counterparts. How do you compare a GRE score to a GMAT score?
Back in the day, the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the creators of the GRE, tried to help applicants compare their GRE scores to GMAT scores using an official conversion tool. But the tool was discontinued in recent years, and ETS has removed it from their site. That’s because the demographics of GRE test-takers and GMAT test-takers are different. For instance, the GMAT is specifically used for business schools, while the GRE is used by applicants to postgraduate programs in multiple disciplines (eg. Economics, Engineering, Public Policy). Now, with the introduction of the new GMAT Focus Edition test, the ETS tool would need a major overhaul.
But that doesn’t stop applicants from wondering what their score equivalent for the other test would be. So we decided to create a tool using GMAT and GRE percentiles to roughly benchmark your score and see where you stand in comparison to other applicants.
Our Methodology: Using Percentiles
The percentile (%ile) is the percentage of applicants that your score was better than. We use this to compare GMAT and GRE. For example, if your GMAT Focus Edition score is 615, that places you in the 77.70% percentile, or better than 77.70% of test takers. For the GRE, the equivalent percentile range (70-79th) would be a score of V156-158 and Q160-163.
Disclaimer: As we’ve discussed above, the GRE and GMAT differ significantly in their content and scoring metrics because they test different skills. The following percentile rankings will compare you only to other candidates who have taken the same test. It’s not a bulletproof conversion methodology, but it’s a good place to start.
GRE Vs GMAT Score Converter Percentile Chart
GMAT (Classic) | GMAT (Focus) | GMAT (%ile) | GMAT (%ile range) | GRE (%ile range) | GRE Verbal | GRE Quant |
800 | 805 | 100.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
790 | 805 | 100.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
790 | 795 | 100.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
790 | 785 | 100.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
780 | 785 | 100.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
780 | 775 | 100.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
780 | 765 | 99.90% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
780 | 755 | 99.90% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
770 | 755 | 99.90% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
770 | 745 | 99.70% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
770 | 735 | 99.60% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
760 | 735 | 99.60% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
760 | 725 | 99.20% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
760 | 715 | 99.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
750 | 715 | 99.00% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
750 | 705 | 98.20% | >98% | >98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
750 | 695 | 97.70% | 95-98% | 95-98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
740 | 695 | 97.70% | 95-98% | 95-98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
740 | 685 | 96.20% | 95-98% | 95-98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
730 | 685 | 96.20% | 95-98% | 95-98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
730 | 675 | 95.30% | 95-98% | 95-98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
720 | 675 | 95.30% | 95-98% | 95-98% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
720 | 665 | 92.90% | 90-95% | 90-95% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
710 | 665 | 92.90% | 90-95% | 90-95% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
710 | 655 | 91.30% | 90-95% | 90-95% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
700 | 655 | 91.30% | 90-95% | 90-95% | 163-170 | 168-170 |
700 | 645 | 87.70% | 80-89% | 80-89% | 159-162 | 164-167 |
690 | 645 | 87.70% | 80-89% | 80-89% | 159-162 | 164-167 |
690 | 635 | 83.10% | 80-89% | 80-89% | 159-162 | 164-167 |
680 | 625 | 80.50% | 80-89% | 80-89% | 159-162 | 164-167 |
680 | 615 | 77.70% | 70-79% | 70-79% | 156-158 | 160-163 |
670 | 615 | 77.70% | 70-79% | 70-79% | 156-158 | 160-163 |
660 | 615 | 77.70% | 70-79% | 70-79% | 156-158 | 160-163 |
650 | 615 | 77.70% | 70-79% | 70-79% | 156-158 | 160-163 |
650 | 605 | 71.70% | 70-79% | 70-79% | 156-158 | 160-163 |
650 | 595 | 68.50% | 60-69% | 60-69% | 154-155 | 157-159 |
640 | 595 | 68.50% | 60-69% | 60-69% | 154-155 | 157-159 |
640 | 585 | 62.00% | 60-69% | 60-69% | 154-155 | 157-159 |
630 | 585 | 62.00% | 60-69% | 60-69% | 154-155 | 157-159 |
620 | 585 | 62.00% | 60-69% | 60-69% | 154-155 | 157-159 |
620 | 575 | 58.70% | 50-59% | 50-59% | 152-153 | 154-156 |
610 | 575 | 58.70% | 50-59% | 50-59% | 152-153 | 154-156 |
610 | 565 | 52.10% | 50-59% | 50-59% | 152-153 | 154-156 |
600 | 565 | 52.10% | 50-59% | 50-59% | 152-153 | 154-156 |
600 | 555 | 49.00% | 49.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
590 | 555 | 49.00% | 49.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
580 | 555 | 49.00% | 49.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
580 | 545 | 43.00% | 43.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
570 | 545 | 43.00% | 43.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
570 | 535 | 40.10% | 40.10% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
560 | 535 | 40.10% | 40.10% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
560 | 525 | 34.70% | 34.70% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
550 | 525 | 34.70% | 34.70% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
550 | 515 | 32.20% | 32.20% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
540 | 515 | 32.20% | 32.20% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
530 | 515 | 32.20% | 32.20% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
530 | 505 | 27.60% | 27.60% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
530 | 495 | 25.40% | 25.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
510 | 495 | 25.40% | 25.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
500 | 495 | 25.40% | 25.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
500 | 485 | 21.50% | 21.50% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
490 | 485 | 21.50% | 21.50% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
490 | 475 | 19.80% | 19.80% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
480 | 475 | 19.80% | 19.80% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
470 | 475 | 19.80% | 19.80% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
470 | 465 | 16.60% | 16.60% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
460 | 465 | 16.60% | 16.60% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
460 | 455 | 15.10% | 15.10% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
450 | 455 | 15.10% | 15.10% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
450 | 445 | 12.40% | 12.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
440 | 445 | 12.40% | 12.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
440 | 435 | 11.30% | 11.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
430 | 435 | 11.30% | 11.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
420 | 435 | 11.30% | 11.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
410 | 435 | 11.30% | 11.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
410 | 425 | 9.20% | 9.20% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
400 | 425 | 9.20% | 9.20% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
400 | 415 | 8.30% | 8.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
390 | 415 | 8.30% | 8.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
380 | 415 | 8.30% | 8.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
380 | 405 | 6.70% | 6.70% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
370 | 405 | 6.70% | 6.70% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
370 | 395 | 6.00% | 6.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
360 | 395 | 6.00% | 6.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
350 | 395 | 6.00% | 6.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
350 | 385 | 4.80% | 4.80% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
350 | 375 | 4.30% | 4.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
340 | 375 | 4.30% | 4.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
330 | 375 | 4.30% | 4.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
320 | 375 | 4.30% | 4.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
320 | 365 | 3.40% | 3.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
310 | 365 | 3.40% | 3.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
310 | 355 | 3.00% | 3.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
300 | 355 | 3.00% | 3.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
300 | 345 | 2.30% | 2.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
290 | 345 | 2.30% | 2.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
280 | 345 | 2.30% | 2.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
280 | 335 | 2.00% | 2.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
270 | 335 | 2.00% | 2.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
260 | 335 | 2.00% | 2.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
250 | 335 | 2.00% | 2.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
250 | 325 | 1.50% | 1.50% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
250 | 315 | 1.30% | 1.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
240 | 315 | 1.30% | 1.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
240 | 305 | 1.00% | 1.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
230 | 305 | 1.00% | 1.00% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
230 | 295 | 0.80% | 0.80% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
220 | 295 | 0.80% | 0.80% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
220 | 285 | 0.60% | 0.60% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
210 | 285 | 0.60% | 0.60% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
210 | 275 | 0.50% | 0.50% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
210 | 265 | 0.40% | 0.40% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
210 | 255 | 0.30% | 0.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
200 | 255 | 0.30% | 0.30% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
200 | 245 | 0.20% | 0.20% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
200 | 235 | 0.20% | 0.20% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
200 | 225 | 0.10% | 0.10% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
200 | 215 | 0.10% | 0.10% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
200 | 205 | 0.10% | 0.10% | <50% | <152 | <154 |
Percentiles | GRE Verbal | GRE Quantitative | GMAT (classic) | GMAT (focus) |
>98% | 168-170 | 169-170 | 750-800 | 705-805 |
95-98% | 165-167 | 168-169 | 720-750 | 675-695 |
90-95% | 163-164 | 167-168 | 700-720 | 655-665 |
80-89% | 159-162 | 164-167 | 680-700 | 625-645 |
70-79% | 156-158 | 160-163 | 650-680 | 605-615 |
60-69% | 154-155 | 157-159 | 620-650 | 585-595 |
50-59% | 152-153 | 154-156 | 600-620 | 565-575 |
<50% | <152 | <154 | <600 | <555 |
What’s the Bottom Line?
If you’re applying to business school, take the GMAT first. It’s designed for MBA candidates, and you won’t have to explain your choice to the AdCom or worry about conversion charts.
Do you feel the GRE is a better fit instead? You’re not alone. A growing number of MBA applicants are choosing to opt for the GRE, which means that the GRE score averages at business schools are going up every year. With a wider range of GRE applicants to choose from, schools will choose to benchmark your GRE score against others, rather than find its GMAT equivalent.
Just remember: the fact that someone can score a perfect 340 on the GRE but not hit 800 on the GMAT doesn’t mean the GRE is easier. It’s just different—and not necessarily aligned with what b-schools value.
So, save yourself the speculation. Focus on what matters: acing the test that best aligns with your strengths and goals.
We can offer diagnostic tests that will help you predict which test you’ll score more highly on. Book a chat with our in-house GMAT/GRE tutor, Rowan Hand.